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remotion online play festival

An international online theatre showcase, featuring sixteen plays performed live on Zoom and streamed through Twitch. 

Premiered June 28th, 2020



Festival Website

Full Youtube playlist

recorded videos:

By the Bay    (wri. & dir.)
Two former lovers meet again on a bus at night, with only the driver as company. As they wind through the streets of San Francisco, the lovers discuss their lives, hopes, and regrets.


Nico and Eileen Walk Down a Sidewalk    (wri.)
A young man helps his ex-girlfriend move to her college dorm. It's their last trip down the block before she says goodbye. 


Lumpy Pancake Batter is Good    (wri.)
A video call between two sisters. One of them has a secret.


The Handyman    (wri.)
Blood pours out of a shower faucet, bringing two adulterous lovers to conflict with each other, and with their guilt. 

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